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Hermes A4 8cm Heavy Duty Lever Arch File Black Each 832001 Pack of 1 Hermes A4 Sturdy and Robust Lever Arch File With 500 Sheet Capacity
Elba A3 Landscape Black Plastic Lever Arch Files 100082430 Pack of 2 Elba black A3 Landscape strong plastic over board lever arch files
Leitz Double File Standard A4 5s Pack of 5 High quality lever arch file ideal for professional office users. Paper cover with marbled effect and quality mechanism for everyday use.
Leitz LAF 180° A4 80mm White (Polypropylene) Pack of 10 Premium quality lever arch files with a plastic covering for increased durability. 1808 mechanism for easy; faster filing; which opens 50% wider than standard versions allowing 20% faster filing. Mechanism allows you to file on both sides. Metal finger pu
Elba Lever Arch File Laminated Gloss Finish 70mm A4 Met Blue Pack of 1 Modern gloss finish A4 paper on board lever arch files Made from thick durable board; with a wide choice of colours that perfectly compliments the ring binders.
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