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Astroplast HSE Refill Kit 20 Person Pack of 1 Has full HSE compliance including pull and easy apply pilfer proof plasters which allow one handed sterile application plus additional recommended health & safety items.
Astroplast HSE Refill Kit 50 Person Pack of 1 Contains: First aid guidance leaflet. Individually wrapped plasters: 60 (waterproof). Medium sterile dressings: 12. Large sterile dressings: 4. Calico triangular bandage: 8. Safety pins: 12. Alcohol-free wipes: 20. Eye pads: 6. Disposable gloves: 12.
500ml Eyewash Bottle Pack of 1 Rapid response is required for any eye injuries sustained in the workplace. Refill for mezzo eyewash dispenser. 2 X 500ml eyewash.
Astroplast Eyewash First Aid Kit in Piccolo Box Pack of 1 Piccolo Eyewash Dispenser. Compact eye wash kit ideal for eye irrigation in the home, small offices or isolated places at work. Each kit contains 10 x 20ml Eyewash Pods, 10 x Eyewash 1ml Mini Pods, 2 x No.16 Eye Pads and a Mirror.
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